We appreciate your cooperation and help in following the rules and growing the website. We are putting a lot of effort into releasing new games. Hello, and please enjoy your stay and day. Finally, I’d like to express my gratitude to all of the moderators for upholding the community’s rules and helping users. Both you and we are really grateful for them. They are responsible for the current amount of activity on TheGamesDownload.
Have a request for a game to be added to the website? Leave a comment below, we’ll release the games you request asap! All requests are accepted, including those for both new and traditional old games. Make sure you sign up and log in before leaving a comment.
I really appreciate your website and the amazing game collections you provide. I would like to request Tekken 7 for download. Please upload it if possible. Looking forward to your response. Thank you!
Thanks for your compliment, the game is uploaded.
Good day, I appreciate the hard work and effort you have put into providing an environment for pc gamers to seek free pc games and have fun. I had KCD 2 downloaded from here and would be lying if I said I was not having a blast. But after enjoying that, I wanted to reach out and seek a request for the black myth: wukong is a game I have been wanting to get into.
Thanks for your complement, we will upload your desired game as soon as possible.
Hey, i love your website and i would like to have Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games here, expecially the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 FB
Thanks for showing your love, your desired game is uploaded and other series will be uploaded soon, enjoy the games and share this website with your friends. Your interest is highly appreciated.